Motion on converting to green energy backed

Environment: Delegates backed a Cork South Central motion committing the party in government to the incremental conversion of…

Environment:Delegates backed a Cork South Central motion committing the party in government to the incremental conversion of all public buildings to green energy and public-service vehicles to biofuels.

Former TD and Cork South Central general election candidate Deirdre Clune said that governments should lead by example when it came to the environment.

"We do not see much in that area from this Government." She added that quick review of the Government's performance on the environment was very depressing.

"We missed all our Kyoto targets. In fact, Ireland's greenhouse gas emissions are twice our overall target. Ireland is ranked 22nd out of 27 EU countries when it comes to wind, wave and biomass energy production."


Delegates also passed a motion committing the party to establish a system of eco-labelling for all motor vehicles.

Regina Doherty (Meath East) said this would lead to a cleaner Ireland and a greater use of renewable energy.

"Reports late last year showed that three-quarters of the major car brands, sold in Europe in 2006, are missing their targets for improving fuel efficiency."

Senator Feargal Browne (Carlow-Kilkenny) said transport energy had grown by almost 123 per cent from 1990 to 2003. Calling for the provision of social and affordable housing, Martin Conway (Clare) referred to the massive increase in house prices in the past decade. "Young people in this country have been completely and totally let down in terms of trying to secure an affordable home in which to bring up their families."

Louth TD Fergus O'Dowd said nothing epitomised more what was happening in the environment area than "Dick Roche like a bull in a china shop over in Galway, absolutely arrogant and pompous and missing the point that the water supply is in a critical state".

A motion from Sligo-North Leitrim pledging 100 per cent broadband penetration in the Republic was passed.

Imelda Henry (Sligo-Leitrim) said that under Fianna Fáil and the PDs, Ireland's broadband availability was on par with the former eastern bloc and was the most expensive in Europe.

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times