More 'selective' immigration may be needed - McDowell

The Minister for Justice has said it may be necessary to tighten up Ireland's immigration system and possibly introduce a "green…

The Minister for Justice has said it may be necessary to tighten up Ireland's immigration system and possibly introduce a "green card" system.

Speaking at a seminar in Dublin, Mr McDowell said Ireland has had the most open immigration system in Europe and that it was now time to "take stock".

Ireland may introduce a "green card" system, according tothe Minister for Justice, McDowell.

"In the changing economic environment in which we now find ourselves it may be appropriate to be more selective in terms of the skills and personal characteristics of prospective migrants", he told the National Consultative Committee on Racism and Interculturalism.

"The aim should be to match more closely the needs of our economy and our society with what the individual migrant can offer to Ireland, as a worker and as a member of society in the short and longer term".


Mr McDowell said a "green card" system was worth considering although we must be careful to avoid the introduction of a "rigid form of centralised planning of labour needs by the State".

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times