More playtime for children urged

CHILDREN'S PLAY is under threat in a society that focuses too much on test results and keeping children occupied with overly …

CHILDREN'S PLAY is under threat in a society that focuses too much on test results and keeping children occupied with overly scheduled and structured activities, a childcare group has warned.

The Irish Pre-school and Playgroups Association says parents, carers and teachers need to reflect more on practical ways to create time and space for play for young children. In Inspiring Play, a policy document to be published today, the association will highlight how play has a crucial role in contributing to a child's sense of well-being, identity and belonging.

"Play gives children the ability to connect with their environment and with others," says Irene Gunning, the association's chief executive. "For a young child, there is nothing quite like making friends and connections within their peer group. That means learning to observe; to read body language; to negotiate; to assess risk, to assert themselves and to co-operate. These life skills have a bearing throughout life, in the boardroom, the laboratory, at the negotiating table and in the market place.

"Our members understand the benefits and are constantly looking for new ways to stimulate learning through play. We would challenge everyone involved to remember just how important play was to their own childhood and then consider how they can create more play opportunities for our children today," she added.