More ambitious targets for Travellers' education recommended in report

All Traveller pupils should complete junior cycle at second-level and at least 50 per cent should proceed to Leaving Cert , according…

All Traveller pupils should complete junior cycle at second-level and at least 50 per cent should proceed to Leaving Cert , according to a new report published yesterday.

In a speech to mark the report's publication, Minister for Education Mary Hanafin called these "challenging targets which will require . . . better attendance levels by many more young Travellers in both primary and post-primary schools".

The report recommends that the progression rate for those in senior Traveller training centres progression rates should increase from 53 per cent to 75 per cent within the next five years.

On the issue of "mainstreaming" Traveller education, the Minister said: "This will be achieved by the phasing out, over a period of time, of segregated provision for Travellers in pre-schools, primary and post-primary education. It will also include the ending of enhanced capitation grants for Travellers over 12 years of age attending primary schools in order to ensure progression onto second level and beyond," said Ms Hanafin.


In a joint press release, the National Association of Travellers Centres (NATC) and the Association of Directors of Senior Travellers Training Centres (STTCs), welcomed the new report.

"However we are concerned that it is recommending that Travellers under 18 years who leave school early should be excluded from senior Travellers training centres. This measure may have the effect of denying the children of traditional Traveller families the opportunity to avail of a second chance at education," the press release said.

The STTC network has completed its own strategic plan and will be published shortly.

The Minister was launching the report and recommendations for a Traveller education strategy, presented to her by the Advisory Committee on Traveller Education.

Ms Hanafin said "we must ensure that equality and diversity permeate all aspects of our education system . . . The report provides a catalyst for moving on from what was, in the past, a negative experience for many travellers, towards a quality education for all in an inclusive and integrated setting."

Seán Flynn

Seán Flynn

The late Seán Flynn was education editor of The Irish Times