Mitchell is told to apologise for 'evil' comment

Fianna Fβil has threatened legal action against Fine Gael deputy leader Mr Jim Mitchell if he fails to apologise for alleging…

Fianna Fβil has threatened legal action against Fine Gael deputy leader Mr Jim Mitchell if he fails to apologise for alleging the Fianna Fβil press office was "evil".

In a letter yesterday from Fianna Fβil's solicitors, Frank Ward & Co, Mr Mitchell was told the reputation of clearly identifiable people in the office had been attacked.

The attack came on RT╔'s Week In Politics programme last Sunday week, following allegations by Independent TD Mr Tom Gildea about former Fine Gael deputy leader Mrs Nora Owen.

Insisting that Fianna Fβil was involved in preparing Mr Gildea's speech, Mr Mitchell said he had suffered "three or four times" from the "notorious antics" of the Fianna Fβil press office.


"There is a real problem in the Fianna Fβil press office. There's evil in that office spreading these sort of unfounded rumours," Mr Mitchell told RT╔ presenter Sean Duignan.

Fianna Fβil, he went on, had denied involvement. "But it was only raised because the Fianna Fβil press office is notorious for these sort of unfounded allegations against politicians."

The attack created fury amongst Fianna Fβil staff. "This happened at a time when they were lecturing people about what could, or could not be said about each other in the Dβil. This kind of thing sticks. Already, there have been 'evil' references in provincial newspapers," said a party source.

Last Sunday The Week In Politics apologised for the attack by Mr Mitchell.

Last night, the head of the press office, Mr Tom Reddy, said he had no comment when asked about the letter.

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times