Men released in Galway heroin inquiry

All seven people held by gardaí investigating a drug seizure in Galway on Thursday have now been released without charge and …

All seven people held by gardaí investigating a drug seizure in Galway on Thursday have now been released without charge and files will be prepared for the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP).

Two men arrested and detained under the provisions of Section 4 of the Criminal Justice Act, were released from garda custody this afternoon, a Garda spokesman said.

Five other people arrested following a search by gardai at a house on Dominic’s Road on Thursday evening had been released earlier.

A garda received 100 stitches after he was attacked by pitbull terriers during the search, gardai said.


Two dogs were put down after a second garda was bitten by the same animals the following day.

Seven people in the house during the original search were not found to be carrying drugs, but gardai said they later discovered a quantity of heroin with a potential street value of €4,000 in the building.