Media often ally with forces of evil and sin, says Pope

The pope has criticised the media for often being an ally to evil

The pope has criticised the media for often being an ally to evil. In his message for mission Sunday he asked: "How can we fail to underline that the numerous expressions of evil and sin often find an ally in the means of social communications? How can we fail to see that for many, the chief means of information and education, of guidance and inspiration in their behaviour as individuals, families and within society at large is the media."

He prayed: "We ask God not to allow us to take the path of sin but to free us from evil, which is often inspired by a personal being, Satan, who desires to obstruct the plan of God and the salvation he works through Christ."

The Pope said in the contemporary world many people failed to recognise God. "Some, at times through the fault of believers, choose to be indifferent or atheist; others still, cultivating a vague sort of religious feeling, have built a god in their own image and likeness; others again consider him to be totally out of reach."

It was the duty of believers to correct this as part of their daily mission in the world, he said. The Christian community was also called "to co-operate with development and peace by constantly denouncing all forms of oppression and injustice".


"Thanks to the efforts of individuals, families and communities who choose to live Christ's teaching in a radical way, temporal society is encouraged to evolve towards horizons of greater justice and solidarity," he said.

Nevertheless, many continued to live in conditions which are not in keeping with their dignity as a human person, he said.

The mission of the church, he said, "consists essentially in offering people an opportunity not to have more but to be more by awakening their consciences".

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry

Patsy McGarry is a contributor to The Irish Times