Martin unveils Science Week in Dublin

The Minster for Trade Enterprise and Employment, Mr Mícheál Martin, today stressed the importance of science to Ireland's economic…

The Minster for Trade Enterprise and Employment, Mr Mícheál Martin, today stressed the importance of science to Ireland's economic prosperity during the launch of Science Week in Dublin.

Science Week - which starts this Sunday - will run until November 14th throughout the country. This year's event is the biggest in its history and will have over 370 separate events nationwide.

The week aims to promote science as part of our everyday lives and encourage people to get involved in the sciences.

"The purpose of the week is to convey the serious message of how important science and engineering are to Ireland's continued economic prosperity," the Minister said. "However, it is also a week of fun and excitement when people of all ages are given the opportunity to discover and learn."


The week has been organised by Discover Science and Engineering (DSE) in association with the Deapartment of Education, FÁS, the Institute of Engineers Irealend as well as other groups throughout the country.

Some of the main attractions this week include:

  • Science on stage at the Helix Theatre in Dublin for ages 11-15; admission is free but you are advised to book in advance from the Helix box office.
  • The Big Bug Show will hit libraries throughout Dublin. The show invites children (8+) to tickle a tarantula or cuddle a cockroach in a bid to bring the insect world closer. Contact your local library.
  • Magic, Science or Mystery? - A show promises to challenge the way we look at science forever. Contact IT Letterkenny, UCC, Cork IT, Waterford IT, IT Carlow, IT Tallaght and IT Sligo.
  • Science Magic - a show covering aspects of physics, chemistry and biology for children aged 7-18. Contact IT Letterkenny, UCC, Cork IT, Waterford IT, IT Carlow, IT Tallaght and IT Sligo.
  • - an interactive website on science with games, quizzes and news of events in your area.