Martin condemns Israeli attacks on Gaza

The Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin today condemned the Israeli attacks on Gaza which have left over 380 people dead…

The Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheál Martin today condemned the Israeli attacks on Gaza which have left over 380 people dead.

"I call on both parties to heed the call of the UN Secretary General and the international community for an immediate and sustainable ceasefire," Mr Martin said before leaving for Paris to attend an emergency EU meeting on the crisis this evening.

"The level of civilian suffering and appalling loss of life is entirely unacceptable and the situation must not be allowed to escalate further."

Mr Martin said he spoke to his French counterpart Bernard Kouchner today and reiterated my strong belief that the Israeli air strikes on Gaza represent a wholly disproportionate and unacceptable response to the violence which Hamas has inflicted on the people of Israel".

He said Israel's actions would only serve to continue and escalate the violence in the region.

In a joint statement, the leaders of the Catholic Church in Ireland and the Church of Ireland said they were distressed and concerned at the situation in Gaza.

Cardinal Seán Brady and the Most Rev Alan Harper called on Israel and Hamas "to disengage and cease all hostilities to enable a permanent ceasefire to be negotiated. Only when violence has ceased will it be possible to begin to negotiate a peace that will last."

They also call for the US and the EU to bring "maximum influence to bear" to end the violence and negotiate a just peace.

The Green Party's foreign affairs spokesman Ciarán Cuffe called for international intervention to halt the violence.

"Like most Irish people and others across the globe, I am horrified by these barbaric and murderous attacks," he said, adding that he was concerned by the "muted response" from
the international community.

"I sincerely hope we can see an early intervention which will stave off a feared Israeli invasion of the territory. It is also imperative that Israel allow essential supplies be delivered to Gaza's 1.5 million people as a matter of urgency," he added.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times