Man shot dead at Dublin pub

A MAN was killed in a Dublin city centre shooting last night.

A MAN was killed in a Dublin city centre shooting last night.

The incident took place at a pub on Dean Street near the Coombe on the south side of the city at about 9.45pm. The man is understood to be in his 20s.

A gunman shot the victim a number of times at Grumpy Jack’s pub.

It is understood he escaped on a motorcycle and may have had an unarmed accomplice.


The man was taken to St James’s Hospital with serious injuries. Despite attempts by medical staff to save his life he later died in hospital at about 11.30pm.

The area was sealed off last night for technical examination.

Gardaí were interviewing witnesses and people in the area last night.

A Garda spokeswoman was last night unable to confirm reports that the killing was gangland related.

At about the same time gardaí in Crumlin received a call about a suspect device found under a car in Raleigh Square in Crumlin. The Army bomb disposal unit examined the device last night and the area was sealed off.

Up until last night there were five gangland murders so far in this year.

A man was killed outside a house in west Dublin on February 9th.

The man was sitting in a car outside the Clondalkin house when a gunman approached his vehicle and fired a number of shots from a handgun. He was believed to have been a member of a drugs gang who was very active in organised crime.

In late January two men were killed in separate gun attacks. One man was a member of a major Finglas drug gang involved in a long-running feud.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times