Man found in country lane was murdered

Gardai have launched a murder inquiry into the violent death of a Co Limerick man whose body was discovered in a remote area …

Gardai have launched a murder inquiry into the violent death of a Co Limerick man whose body was discovered in a remote area near the village of Ballinahinch, Co Tipperary. The man has been identified by gardai but a spokesman said they will not release his name until all of his family have been informed.

Gardai say the man, aged between 18 and 24, suffered extensive injuries to the head, consistent with a violent attack, before his body was discovered by a farmer in a laneway one mile from Ballinahinch near the main road to Newport at 7.30 a.m. yesterday. Last night, the body was removed from the scene to Limerick Regional Hospital where Assistant State Pathologist, Dr Marie Cassidy carried out a post mortem after a preliminary examination was carried out by Dr Cassidy at the scene.

An examination of the scene by members of the Garda Technical Bureau will continue today.

Earlier, gardai released a description of the man in an effort to identify him. The man was 5ft 5in in height, of light build with black-brown short hair and a goatee-style beard. Aged between 18 and 24, he was wearing blue jeans, a blue top and black runner boots.


Gardai have appealed for anyone who may have seen something significant in the Killaloe area on Thursday night or Friday morning to telephone the incident room at (061) 376242 or any Garda station.