Man charged with threat to 'kill or cause serious harm' to barrister at Four Courts

A man has been charged with threatening to kill a barrister during an alleged incident at the Four Courts last year.

A man has been charged with threatening to kill a barrister during an alleged incident at the Four Courts last year.

Gary Howard (24), Emerald Street, Dublin city, and Dunsoghly Grove, Finglas, is alleged to have made “a threat to kill or cause serious harm” to a female barrister.

The threat was allegedly made with an intention to make her believe that it would be carried out.

Howard was charged at Dublin District Court yesterday.


A State solicitor told Judge Denis McLoughlin that the DPP has directed the case is to be sent forward to the Circuit Court. Mr Howard has not yet indicated how he intends to plead. There was no bail application and he was remanded in custody to appear again at Cloverhill District Court next Wednesday. Legal aid was granted after the court heard he was unemployed.