Man arrested over Dublin pub murder

Gardai investigating the murder of a man in a gangland shooting in Dublin last month arrested a man today.

Gardai investigating the murder of a man in a gangland shooting in Dublin last month arrested a man today.

John Carroll (33), a suspected drugs trafficker, was shot dead in Grumpy Jack’s pub in the Coombe area of Dublin 8 on February 18th.

The man (61) was arrested this afternoon and is being held at Kevin Street Garda Station under section 30 of The Offences Against The State Act.

Gardaí had already made a number of arrests in the wake of the shooting.


Gardaí believe men close to Carroll were monitoring him and informing the gunman as to his whereabouts on the night. Seven arrests took place across the city over the weekend following the Wednesday night shooting in five Garda operations.

Some of those arrested owed Carroll money for drugs.

Another man who gardaí believe helped to facilitate the murder had fallen out with the dead man over a personal matter.

Carroll was known to gardaí for his links to the drugs trade. He was a target of the Garda National Drugs Unit for a number of years.