Major traffic diversions on M50

A new phase of traffic diversion, including the closure of a three-lane off-ramp at the Red Cow roundabout on Dublin's M50, is…

A new phase of traffic diversion, including the closure of a three-lane off-ramp at the Red Cow roundabout on Dublin's M50, is to be announced by South Dublin County Council today.

The changes will mean southbound traffic on the M50 will no longer be able to leave the M50 at the Red Cow, but must travel on to the next interchange at Ballymount, before turning northbound again.

It is expected disruption will be severe in the morning rush when the northbound carriageway between Ballymount and the Red Cow is already heavily congested with northbound traffic.

A detailed traffic management plan is due to be announced by the council this afternoon, focusing on a dedicated "freeflow" lane for vehicles making the U-turn at Ballymount.


Details of lesser traffic diversions at weekends and overnight, focusing on the interchanges, will also be announced today. The council will provide maps, along with an updated leaflet giving details of work to be done in the coming weeks and months.

It will also provide an overview on the progress of the ongoing work, which is the first phase of the reconstruction of the M50, which is due for completion next year.

However, according to Department of Transport sources, there is good news on the horizon for motorists using the N4/ Palmerstown interchange, which may be completed later this year or early in the new year, several months ahead of schedule. Sources said an early opening was possible "if all goes well".

The completion of the N4 interchange will result in free-flow movements between the M50 and the N4, while the removal of the toll barriers in August is expected to further ease congestion.

The complete upgrade of the M50 involving all interchanges between the airport and Dundrum is not scheduled to be completed until 2010.

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien

Tim O'Brien is an Irish Times journalist