Main Issues In Dispute

Recognition for long service by staff nurses

Recognition for long service by staff nurses. The Nursing Alliance wants the 2 per cent local bargaining increase of Partnership 2000 used to help address this issue. Management not opposed in principle, if it can be ring-fenced.

Current qualifications and location allowances to be extended to paediatric nurses, midwives and public health nurses.

Extra pay rises for promotional grades to retain their relativity with staff nurses.

Significant promotional outlets for staff nurses through the creation of the new Clinical Nurse Practitioner and Clinical Nurse Specialist grades. Management is expected to make a significant offer in this area, but it may take up to 18 months to put structures in place.


Extra holiday leave ranging up to five days over those conceded in the last Labour Court recommendation.

Automatic transfers for nurse tutors to full-time, permanent and pensionable posts at the appropriate lecture grade in universities; with the option of early retirement.

New reporting back procedures for directors of nursing to general managers to be dropped. Realisable as it is a non-cost item.