Lottery to boost sports for NI youth

The British National Lottery is to back sports facilities for young people in Northern Ireland with a record £33 million grants…

The British National Lottery is to back sports facilities for young people in Northern Ireland with a record £33 million grants package, it has been announced.

The money, which is made available by the New Opportunities Fund, will be aimed at revamping facilities in schools and the wider community, build new outdoors sports facilities and encourage young people to stay in physical education. It is the largest lottery investment in education in Northern Ireland to date.

Projects are expected to include new synthetic or natural pitches, the renovation or building of changing-rooms and the purchase of land for sports facilities for both community and school use.

Senior education officials will have to put together portfolios of applications which, if agreed by the fund, will be developed into detailed bids. The Belfast Education and Library Board is to receive £8.7 million, the Western £7.5 million, Southern £6 million, South Eastern £4.8 million and North Eastern £4.7 million.


A Northern Irish board member of the fund, Ms Breidge Gadd, said the programme would "change the face of sporting provision in our schools and communities".

"This programme will give young people across Northern Ireland the chance to choose a positive, healthy lifestyle. Major new opportunities will also be created by this grant programme to benefit all communities," she added.

A former GAA All-Star and PE teacher at Holy Trinity College in Cookstown, Co Tyrone, Mr Peter Canavan, said: "Sport motivates and engages young people and instils discipline, confidence and self-esteem."