Labour publishes Dáil motion on class sizes

The Labour Party has published the wording of a Dáil motion calling on the Government to reverse its decision to increase the…

The Labour Party has published the wording of a Dáil motion calling on the Government to reverse its decision to increase the pupil-teacher ratio in primary and secondary schools.

The motion reads: “That Dáil Eireann deplores the series of educational cuts announced in the Budget and subsequently by the Minister for Education; expresses its serious concern at the damage these cuts will cause to the education system and to the future prospects of our children; and calls on the Government, in particular, to reverse the decision to increase class sizes at first and second level.”

It will be debated during Private Members' Time in the Dáil next Wednesday before being put to a vote on Thursday.

Labour's education spokesman, Ruairí Quinn, said today the Government cutbacks will cause "enormous damage" to the education system if they proceed.

"Not only has Fianna Fáil totally reneged on commitments it gave prior to both the 2002 and 2007 general elections to reduce class sizes, but this must surely be the first time in living memory that any government has taken a policy to deliberately increase class sizes," he said.

However, Minister for Education Batt O'Keeffe, who is in China, said yesterday he would not change the decision announced in the Budget.

Green Party councillors last night expressed opposition to increased class sizes and said that discussions on the issue were expected in the coming days.

Mr Quinn today called on the Green Party to vote with the Opposition on the motion to force the Government to reverse the cuts.

The Irish National Teachers' Organisation and school managers have warned that children will be sent home and some schools may have to close because of the Budget provision on substitute cover.

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times