Extracts from the exchanges involving Tribunal judge, Judge Gerald Keys (GK); Tribunal counsel Des O'Neill SC (D'ON) and former…

Extracts from the exchanges involving Tribunal judge, Judge Gerald Keys (GK); Tribunal counsel Des O'Neill SC (D'ON) and former secretary to Bertie Ahern Gráinne Carruth (GC).

Tribunal Counsel Des O'Neill SC and Gráinne Carruth

Des O'Neill: "You have forgotten about the fact that that Mr Ahern passed you £6,000 pounds in sterling that day [on March 9th 1994]?"

Gráinne Carruth: "I have no memories of sterling".


DO'N: "You have no memory of . . . that transaction?"

GC:"I can't remember, no."

DO'N: "On the 9th of May of the same year, you have forgotten that you received money from Mr Ahern that day to lodge to the IPBS . . . ?"

GC: "Yes."

DO'N: "You have forgotten that you exchanged the entire of that . . . ?"

GC: "Yes."

DO'N: "You have forgotten that you brought the document back to Mr Ahern . . . "

GC: "Yes."

DO'N: "And finally, on the 28 thof October 1994, you have forgotten the fact that you were given £4,000 that morning in sterling and that you went across and lodged it…?"

GC: "Yes."

DO'N: "Is that so?"

GC: "Yes."

DO'N: "Do you believe that to be credible, Ms Carruth? Can that possibly be true?"

GC: "I can't remember it, I just can't remember it."


Judge Gerald Keys and Gráinne Carruth

Judge Gerald Keys: "Would you have a copy with you of the accounts numbers, you know, when you are filling in the docket?"

Gráinne Carruth: "Bertie would have given me their passbooks, I believe."

GK: "So you would have three passbooks then, would that be correct?"

GC: "I remember just two."

GK: "But wouldn't you have needed a third . . . to make the third lodgement?"

GC: "I must have had."

GK: "You can only remember two, but not three?"

GC: "Yes, Judge."

GK: "You appreciate that's very difficult to understand that answer in those circumstances?"

GC: "I do, Judge, I do."


Tribunal Counsel Des O'Neill SC and Gráinne Carruth

Des O'Neill: "Why is it that you did not contact Mr Ahern in the interim in relation to

these matters, which are of crucial importance to you and to your family, Ms Carruth?"

Gráinne Carruth: "Because I'm hurt."

DO'N: "Because what?"

GC: "I'm hurt."

DO'N: "You're hurt?"

GC: "And I'm upset."

DO'N: "Yes, and what is upsetting you about your evidence before the tribunal


GC: "Because it's taking me from my family and that's why I'm upset."

DO'N: "Is there any other reason, Ms Carruth?"

GC: "I just want to go home."