Kenny seeks 'credible account'

Political reaction: Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has failed to provide "a credible account" for money probed by the Mahon tribunal…

Political reaction:Taoiseach Bertie Ahern has failed to provide "a credible account" for money probed by the Mahon tribunal, Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny has said.

"I have not heard a credible account about these accounts that are being investigated. I would like to hear a credible account," he said after a two-day Galway meeting of Fine Gael's parliamentary party.

"I do feel that the people of the country can't have this fantasy land where you have money flying around in bags, in hotel rooms and wardrobes and political constituency offices.

"This is the time for the Taoiseach to deal with all of this, to say where he got this money from, who paid it to him and why he accepted it," he said.


"I hope on this occasion he doesn't leave any confusion behind him. On his two previous attempts to clear this matter up finally there was more confusion left finally than at the beginning.

"While it is absolutely wrong for publicly elected members of senior rank to accept monies for personal use, the tribunal is investigating a trail of accounts.

"These accounts amount now in today's terms to almost €300,000," he said

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy

Mark Hennessy is Ireland and Britain Editor with The Irish Times