Kenny pledge on food industry sector

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny told farm leaders yesterday that a Fine Gael-led government would restore the food industry to a …

Fine Gael leader Enda Kenny told farm leaders yesterday that a Fine Gael-led government would restore the food industry to a central place in the Irish economy and he also pledged to develop a strong biofuels industry.

Addressing a meeting of the Irish Farmers' Association executive in Dublin, Mr Kenny said the importance of the food industry had been undermined in recent years by Government neglect and the downgrading of the sector.

The Fine Gael leader was warmly applauded for pledges to cut red tape for farmers, to keep the live cattle trade vibrant, to reform water charges for farmers and resist US demands in the World Trade Organisation talks.

"Job losses in recent weeks have highlighted the importance of fostering indigenous industries and in creating employment in domestic companies, which are committed to Ireland. I believe that we can create and maintain secure Irish jobs by building up our domestic com-panies and focusing more of our exports to the lucrative EU markets," said Mr Kenny.


He said the development of a viable biofuel industry was now essential and he promised that a Fine Gael-led Government would take the issue seriously. "We will create a market for biofuels by legislating to provide that all motor fuels must include a blend of fuel from renewable sources," said Mr Kenny, who also pledged to remove all excise duty on biofuels produced from renewable energy crops, provide State assistance for the capital costs of establishing biofuel processing plants, and to support the cultivation of alternative energy sources such as wood chip, elephant grass or miscanthus.

He pointed out that the food industry employed over 200,000 people, accounted for a quarter of all exports and was worth over €7 billion to the economy.

"I believe that we have failed to sufficiently build on these strengths. There is a huge potential for our food and drink sector to grow even more and to become our most successful international export. Ireland can become synonymous with world class, high quality premium food production and can become the global benchmark for premium food production."

He said the Fine Gael plan to put our food industry centre stage would involve a number of steps. One was the removal of barriers to consolidating holdings or transferring them through generations by tackling anomalies in our tax code through the restoration of Capital Gains Tax rollover relief.

He promised smarter marketing of Irish food through the introduction of a single "Green Ireland" food label and making freedom to farm a reality through the reduction of bureaucracy and a fairer inspections regime. He also pledged to bring Fine Gael's European influence to bear on international trade negotiations. "The Fine Gael party is part of the largest political grouping in the EU, the EPP, and we will bring this influence to bear to ensure the EU's negotiating position on agriculture is not further eroded. Our position on WTO is clear: We have gone far enough."

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins is a columnist with and former political editor of The Irish Times