Junior minister Fahey's driver caught speeding

A junior minister's driver was issued with an on-the-spot fine for speeding last week, it emerged this evening.

A junior minister's driver was issued with an on-the-spot fine for speeding last week, it emerged this evening.

The driver, worked for the Minister of State at the Department of Justice, Mr Frank Fahey, who was in the car at the time.

The car was travelling at 79 mph in a 60 mph zone between Craughwell and Loughrea, Co Galway late last Wednesday night when it was stopped at a Garda checkpoint.

The Department of Justice issued a statement this afternoon in which the Minister of State expressed his regret for the incident. Mr Fahey said he was unaware of the speed the car was travelling at when it was stopped.


"Minister Fahey was working in the car at the time and was unaware of the speed at which they were travelling. The Minister's driver was stopped at a Garda checkpoint and was advised that he had exceeded the speed limit.

"The Minister is aware that this should not have happened. He sincerely regrets that it happened and will ensure that it never happens again."

The car was driven by a civilian driver - Cabinet ministers' cars are driven by specially assigned gardaí.

It is the second instance in recent years of a minister's driver at the Department of Justice falling foul of speeding laws.

Four years ago the driver working for the current Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism, Mr O'Donoghue, was fined for driving in excess of 100 mph in Co Kerry between Abbeyfeale and Castleisland.

Mr O'Donoghue was the Cabinet minister at the Department at the time and became embroiled in controversy because having initially denied media reports of the incident he later conceded it had occurred.

The public outcry intensified when he revealed that while he was not in the car; his wife, children and a family friend were. They were being brought home from the 2000 All-Ireland hurling final.