Israel releases top Hamas member from jail

Hamas's top leader in the West Bank was released from an Israeli prison today after completing a two-year sentence.

Hamas's top leader in the West Bank was released from an Israeli prison today after completing a two-year sentence.

Mr Hassan Yusef  had been held in a military prison in the West Bank after being jailed for his ties to Islamic charities affiliated with Hamas, which has spearheaded a suicide bombing campaign that has killed hundreds of Israelis.

Mr Yusef (49), fostered warm relations between Hamas and the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank, including the late President Yasser Arafat and Fatah leader Marwan Barghouthi who is serving five life terms in an Israeli jail.

His release from prison might bolster Hamas's ranks in the West Bank amidst a power vacuum following Arafat's death.


Mr Yusef was arrested by Israeli soldiers in August 2002 and sentenced to 28 months in jail for helping funnel donations to the Islamic militant group. He was both a political leader in Hamas and a preacher at a mosque in the West Bank city of Ramallah.

According to the Haaretznewspaper's website, Israel's Shin Bet security service was unable to provide evidence connecting Yusef to attacks by Hamas. He was convicted on the relatively minor charges of links to illegal charities.

He served most of his sentence at a prison in the Ofir military base near Ramallah where his family waited to greet him holding a bunch of flowers.

Hamas, which is sworn to Israel's destruction, is on the US State Department and European Union's list of terror groups.