Irish warned to take 'precautions' in Spain

It is believed no Irish people have been injured in today's bomb attacks in Spain, the Department of Foreign Affairs.

It is believed no Irish people have been injured in today's bomb attacks in Spain, the Department of Foreign Affairs.

Eight people were injured when the bombs ripped through hotels in the seaside resorts of Benidorm and Alicante after the Basque separatist group ETA warned a newspaper of the attacks.

A spokesman for the Department of Foreign Affairs said it appeared this afternoon that no Irish people had been injured.

He said that the department would not be issuing any specific warning about travel to Spain or to the affected region, but that as always people should take precautions.


"People intending to travel should always be aware of the security situation and we would advise those going there to heed the advice of local police authorities and any other government bodies," he said.

"We would not advise against travel, but suggest that people take sensible precautions, such as not participating in demonstrations etc.," the spokesman added.

Local media said foreign students were wounded in Alicante and official sources said four policemen were hurt in Benidorm. Both resorts were packed with Spanish and foreign holidaymakers.

Additional reporting: Reuters