'Irish Times' suspends supply of newspaper to Dunnes Stores

COPIES OF The Irish Times are no longer available for purchase in Dunnes Stores outlets.

COPIES OF The Irish Timesare no longer available for purchase in Dunnes Stores outlets.

The Irish Timessaid yesterday that it had suspended supplies to Dunnes branches following the decision of the retailer to stop honouring standard terms and conditions relating to payment for newspapers which The Irish Timesapplies to all newsagents.

The newspaper apologised to readers inconvenienced by this change.

An information notice in today's editions features a county-by-county list of Dunnes Stores outlets and of alternative newsagents. These shops are stocking additional copies of The Irish Timesto ensure full availability for readers.


In a letter to Dunnes Stores director Margaret Heffernan yesterday, The Irish Timessaid Dunnes had cancelled its weekly direct debit payment on February 6th, 2009. It pointed out no notification was received by the newspaper prior to the cancellation of the payment.

In a responding letter, Dunnes Stores said it was now its company policy to pay daily newspapers by cheque monthly. The letter confirmed payments by direct debit would no longer be made. No further comment was available from Dunnes Stores yesterday.

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan

Mary Minihan is Features Editor of The Irish Times