Twenty seven dogs have been rescued and returned to Ireland after they were found in a van in Scotland.
The Irish Society of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ISPCC) said they puppies were intercepted in Cairnryan ferry port.
“The dogs and puppies which include Chihuahua x, Spaniel x and Collie type puppies of various ages are believed to have originated from the Republic of Ireland,” the group said in a statement.

It said the dogs were not microchipped, which is now a legal requirement and were not accompanied by pet passports, required for the commercial movement of dogs to the UK from the Republic.
The puppies were seized by Police Scotland who contacted the Scottish SPCA. Arrangements were then made for the dogs to be given to the ISPCA.
"The manner in which these puppies were concealed illustrates the lengths to which these unscrupulous dealers will go in order to make money from unfortunate animals," said ISPCA Chief Inspector Conor Dowling.
It is estimated that the dogs may have fetched more than £10,000 on the British market.

The puppies are currently receiving veterinary assessment at the ISPCA National Animal Centre in Longford. They are not currently available for adoption, but will be in the coming weeks, the ISPCA said.