Sinn Féin says Government response to flooding ‘at best lethargic’

Flood damage measures to be considered by Cabinet on Tuesday, says Gilmore

Measures to deal with the damage from flooding will be discussed at next week's Cabinet meeting, Tánaiste Eamon Gilmore has said.

He said the Department of the Environment was collating more detailed reports from local authorities on the clean-up response, repairs and restoration costs. This report would be submitted to the Government on Tuesday.

Mr Gilmore was replying to Sandra McLellan (SF), who said the flooding had caused a state of emergency and must be declared as such. Her home town of Youghal had been flooded three times already this year.

While she welcomed the visit by Minister of State for the Office of Public Works Brian Hayes to the town, more than just photo opportunities and words of comfort were required.


"We need to hear about the Government's action plan, and we need to see the immediate benefits of that plan.''

Ms McLellan said the Government's response had been "at best lethargic, if not completely hands-off''. It had taken Minister for the Environment Phil Hogan weeks to make a statement to the House, and the lack of coherent leadership from him and other senior Ministers had been nothing short of appalling.

Mr Gilmore said the Government had acted quickly, with, as a first requirement, the Department of Social Protection providing immediate assistance. Some €15 million was provided this week to address people's immediate needs.

He said a second issue to be addressed was the longer-term situation, particularly for homes that had been affected. “In some cases insurance issues may arise which will have to be addressed.’’

Michael O'Regan

Michael O'Regan

Michael O’Regan is a former parliamentary correspondent of The Irish Times