A sheep, nicknamed “Lucky Louis” was the reluctant subject of a Coast Guard rescue off the Dublin coast on Sunday afternoon.
The rescue was launched after the Irish Coast Guard operations centre received an “unusual call” saying a sheep had become stuck following a cliff fall on Lambay Island, a private island off the coast of north country Dublin.
A Coast Guard boat crew departed from Howth for the island where they found the sheep, which they nicknamed “Lucky Louis” stuck at the bottom of a 10 metre cliff on the island.

The sheep attempted to escape his rescuers by running for a nearby cave but was caught and brought back to the boat.
“The lamb was seven months old and despite some small cuts was otherwise in good spirits,” a Coast Guard spokesman said.
Louis was put on the Coast Guard boat “Sean Dunne” which brought him to Lambay Island harbour where he was handed over to staff on the island.
“All’s wool that ends wool,” the Coast Guard said.