It will not rain on Pope Francis’s parade on Saturday but heavy rain is forecast on Sunday for the main events - the visit to Knock on Sunday morning and the mass in the Phoenix Park in the afternoon.
The Pope arrives on Saturday morning into Dublin Airport at 10.30am on Saturday. The temperature is expected to be 12 degrees and dry. It will stay dry for the rest of the day with top temperatures of 17 degrees for the motorcade through Dublin on Saturday afternoon at 4.15pm.

The temperature will dip as nighttime sets in for the World Meeting of Families event at Croke Park starting at 7.30pm and it will fall to 12 degrees during that service.
On Sunday morning Pope Francis flies to Knock, Co Mayo. Unfortunately, the forecast is not looking good for his visit to the shrine which is scheduled to begin at 9.45am.
Met Éireann is forecasting 8.4mms of rain for 7am as pilgrims gather for the Pope’s visit to Knock and the rain will continue during his short visit.
On Sunday afternoon rain is forecast for the Phoenix Park in the run up to the mass which starts at 3pm and which is expected to attract hundreds of thousands of people.
Met Éireann is forecasting 7.4mms of rain at 1pm on Sunday as pilgrims gather for the Papal mass. The forecast is for the rain to continue until the pope arrives and it will stay dry for the rest of the evening after that.
Pope Francis departs Ireland on 7.45pm on Sunday night by which time the showers will have dried up.