Five things you need to know today

Wallace’s Nama claims; Pat Hickey’s bail; CRC publishes strategic plan

1. Mick Wallace claims Nama adviser 'peddled' assets in Asia
The National Asset Management Agency has been embroiled in fresh controversy after it was alleged a former adviser was "peddling" assets to foreign investors as early as 2010.
Independents4Change TD Mick Wallace has made a number of new allegations about the agency's sale of the Northern Ireland loan portfolio, known as Project Eagle.
The Independent TD has claimed he has received more than 100 emails and other documents regarding the sale of the portfolio.

2. It is unclear how Pat Hickey will raise €410,000 bail, lawyers say
Lawyers for Pat Hickey said it was "unclear" yesterday how he would generate the €410,000 bail bond he is required to pay before leaving Brazil, as the Olympic Council of Ireland (OCI) said it would not facilitate him.
A court in Rio de Janeiro ruled on Wednesday that Mr Hickey's passport should be returned to him and that he could return to the Republic "to treat a health problem" on condition he pay a bond to the court of one and half million Brazilian Reals (€410,000).
The OCI said yesterday it would not pay the bail bond as it considered it a "personal matter" for Mr Hickey, despite the fact the council is currently paying Mr Hickey's legal fees.

3. Central Remedial Clinic to ensure 'house in order' before name change
The Central Remedial Clinic, which publishes its first strategic plan today since it was embroiled in one of the worst scandals to hit the charity sector, has said it may in time change its name, but it wants to ensure its "house is in order" first.
Chief executive Stephanie Manahan, who was appointed to lead the charity in June 2014 in the wake of the top-up scandal, says the experience was "very hard" on both staff and clients of the charity.
Ms Manahan, who has implemented a "grass-roots transformational review", is confident the governance and accounting structures in place at the CRC are among the most robust and transparent anywhere.

4. Plan to make companies explain motor insurance increases
Insurance companies will have to explain why they are increasing motor insurance premiums and will have to provide extra information on how premium costs are calculated, a Government report on the sector will recommend.
The report on motor insurance is expected to recommend that companies show the cost difference between annual premiums and explain price increases to customers, if there are any.


5. Terminally ill teenager wins landmark case to preserve body after death
A dying 14-year-old girl who said she wanted a chance to live longer has been allowed by the US high court to have her body cryogenically frozen in the hope that she can be brought back to life at a later time.
The court ruled that the teenager's mother, who supported the girl's wish to be cryogenically preserved, should be the only person allowed to make decisions about the disposal of her body. Her estranged father had initially opposed her wishes.
During the last months of her life, the teenager, who had a rare form of cancer, used the internet to investigate cryonics.

And finally: Enda Kenny Arlene Foster's engagements are like the weather – chilly
As the Taoiseach and troops of Government and Northern Executive Ministers meet today at the North South Ministerial Council in Armagh to try to deal with the conundrum of Brexit, some wonder if the fact that the IRA almost killed Arlene Foster and her father engendered hostility to the South.