A young soldier has spoken of his anger and upset after some reckless motorist left his pregnant partner without transport when they rammed and wrote off the couple's car outside their home in Cork city over the weekend.
Alex, who didn't give his surname, told Cork's 96FM's Opinion Line that he and his partner, Sarah were left devastated when they discovered that their Hyundai car had been destroyed after it was rammed late on Saturday night/early Sunday morning.
“The red car involved in the accident you’re just talking about was our car. My partner is 39 weeks pregnant, we’ve now been left without a car to do the hospital run in. I’m absolutely devastated about the car but at least my partner and the baby are safe.

"We had to rush my partner into CUMH (Cork University Maternity Hospital) yesterday because of the stress of everything, my partner and baby are fine but it was trauma we didn't need and could well have done without.
“Hopefully we can catch the b****rds, [I AM)]truly devastated about this, I’m a young man in the army working hard to provide for my family and some f**ker does this,” Alex told presenter PJ Coogan on the morning radio show.
Alex explained that Sarah is a native of Cork's northside and had never experienced anything like this before and he appealed to anyone who had any information about what happened to their car to contact Mayfield gardaí.
Sarah’s sister Amy explained the car was parked right across the road from the couple’s home but they heard nothing so they suspect it must have happened in the early hours of Sunday morning as they slept. “They must have hit it with some force because the damage done to is just crazy.”
Gardaí in Mayfield confirmed they were investigating the incident and had carried out door to door inquiries in the area as well as checking CCTV footage in the hope of identifying those responsible and urged anyone with information to contact them on 021-4558510.