IRA statement does not go far enough, says Trimble

Ulster Unionist leader Mr David Trimble said today this morning's IRA statement on weapons decommissioning does not go far enough…

Ulster Unionist leader Mr David Trimble said today this morning's IRA statementon weapons decommissioning does not go far enough.

He said the republican movement had "let down" everyone in Northern Ireland by not acting to decommission.

"We’ve had promises, we’ve had words, but promises have not been kept. The only thing that would create public confidence is for it [decommissioning] to happen. It still could happen," he said. "Even at this late stage, republicans can save the process by acting".

Mr Trimble indicated he believed the best option may be for the Secretary of State, Dr John Reid, to suspend the Assembly, allowing a breathing space of six weeks for developments.


He warned, however, that this would be a "transparent gesture" unless there was movement on IRA arms. "It would be pointless to do it just to buy another six weeks. But I believe the suspension in February 2000 worked, and it’s possible it could work again".

Mr Trimble urged Dr Reid to choose the option that would cause the "least damage" to the peace process. Dr Reid has until midnight on Saturday to make his decision on whether to suspend the Assembly or call fresh elections.

The IRA confirmed this morning it has agreed a scheme with Gen John de Chastelain to put its weapons "completely and verifiably" beyond use.

The statementmade no reference to when this process would begin.

Sinn Féin MLA Mr Alex Maskey accused Mr Trimble of setting out to wreck the process and said that if he believed that pressurising republicans would secure the aim of decommissioning he was very foolish.

Mr Maskey urged the British government to stop pandering to unionists and to declare that they were in breach of the Belfast Agreement.

He said his party was opposed to suspension and added: "We aren't looking for an election. If a party is in breach of the Agreement then they must be exposed".

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle

Kilian Doyle is an Assistant News Editor at The Irish Times