INTO seeks more money for school computers

INSPECTION REPORTS published yesterday relating to computers in schools highlights the need for more investment in information…

INSPECTION REPORTS published yesterday relating to computers in schools highlights the need for more investment in information technology, the Irish National Teachers' Organisation has said.

The reports contain "stinging criticisms of Government for the failure to invest in school computing", the INTO said in a statement yesterday.

"The report clearly says that more money must be made available for the regular upgrading and maintenance of computers. This effectively recognises that too many of the computers in use in our schools are obsolete," John Carr, INTO general secretary, said.

Minister for Education Batt OKeefe said he would be working to "pursue the substantial agenda outlined in the reports".


"We face significant challenges in implementing some of the recommendations made in these reports having regard to the current public finance position," Mr O'Keeffe said, adding that he was committed to investing in this area "as resources permit".

Last night Fine Gael education spokesman Brian Hayes criticised the manner in which the report was released on the last day of the Dáil term.

He also questioned the Government's delivery on promised spending in upgrading technology in schools.

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery

Genevieve Carbery is Deputy Head of Audience at The Irish Times