Interest rates on new loans rose in August - ECB

Interest rates on most new loans made by financial institutions in the euro area rose in August compared with the previous month…

Interest rates on most new loans made by financial institutions in the euro area rose in August compared with the previous month, the European Central Bank said today.

Loans to companies of over one million euros with an initial rate fixation over five years rose to 4.30 per cent in August from 4.25 per cent in July.

Loans to companies of up to €1 million at a floating rate and up to one year of initial rate fixation rose to 4.06 per cent from 4.02 per cent in July.

Home purchase loans that had a five-to-10 year fixed rate rose to 4.86 per cent in August from 4.81 per cent in July.


Interest rates paid on new deposits also edged up in August, the data showed.

Household deposits that can be withdrawn with up to three months' notice received a weighted average interest rate of 2.00 per cent compared with 1.99 per cent the prior month.

The rate on deposits with an agreed maturity of over two years rose to 2.66 per cent from 2.53 per cent the month before.