Interactive children's museum backed

Arts: Arts funding is holding its own compared to other spending, with increases in many areas signalled in the Estimates, including…

Arts: Arts funding is holding its own compared to other spending, with increases in many areas signalled in the Estimates, including the promotion of Irish art abroad and the first capital investment for a new interactive children's museum.

The 2007 arts budget is €216.56 million, an increase of 8.65 per cent on the 2006 figure of €198.7 million.

The Arts Council's annual budget is up 11 per cent to €80 million for next year from €72.1 million this year.

Meanwhile, the Irish Film Board budget increases 15 per cent to €19.659 million, of which the capital allocation totals €17 million.

Deirdre Falvey

Deirdre Falvey

Deirdre Falvey is a features and arts writer at The Irish Times