Intensive Croke Park talks open

Intensive talks aimed at securing an agreement to extend the Croke Park agreement have commenced.

Members of the Garda Representative Association protested outside the Croke Park talks in Dublin yesterday. Photograph: David Sleator/The Irish Times
Members of the Garda Representative Association protested outside the Croke Park talks in Dublin yesterday. Photograph: David Sleator/The Irish Times

Intensive talks aimed at securing an agreement to extend the Croke Park agreement have commenced.

The Labour Relations Commission this morning proposed a six-strand process to deal with key issues over the weekend.

Talks on Government proposals for public service staff to work additional hours without extra pay got underway at noon.

Other issues to be considered under the schedule set out by the Labour Relations Commission include a pay cut for high earners, reductions in premium payment, overtime and increments.


A final strand will deal with other miscellaneous issues such as flexitime working and redeployment arrangements.

Martin Wall

Martin Wall

Martin Wall is the Public Policy Correspondent of The Irish Times.