Infant found dead in field in Roscrea

Gardai in Tipperary have appealed for the mother of a new-born baby boy found dead yesterday in a field beside a Roscrea housing…

Gardai in Tipperary have appealed for the mother of a new-born baby boy found dead yesterday in a field beside a Roscrea housing estate to come forward.

The body of the infant, aged between 12 and 24 hours, was found just before noon yesterday by two boys playing in the field, which is adjacent to a local authority housing estate, Cois Corrig. The boys, Patrick Maher and Andrew Walshe, both aged nine, who first thought the body was a doll, alerted a neighbour, Ms Mary Downey, who notified a priest and doctor.

Gardai called to the scene arranged for the body to be removed to Nenagh General Hospital, where a post mortem was being carried out last night by the assistant Chief State Pathologist, Dr Marie Cassidy.

Gardai say the believe the mother may be in physical and emotional distress following the birth and death of her baby. Supt Jim Mulligan stressed that the chief concern was for the mother's health.


"This is a particularly sad case coming as it does just a few days before Christmas," he said. "She is most likely in need of medical attention and it would be our priority to see that she gets that."

Gardai are also appealing for anyone who has information regarding a woman who may have been pregnant and wished the pregnancy to remain secret.

"It is possible that this woman had help in delivering the baby and we would appeal to anybody who was present to come forward in the interests of the woman herself," Supt Mulligan said.

Ms Margaret Maher, the mother of one of the boys, said the community in the area was very close-knit and "our hearts go out to the mother".