India confirms its first case of SARS virus

India has confirmed its first case of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

India has confirmed its first case of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

A man (32) who has the disease contracted the deadly virus after visiting Singapore.

He had flown from the western state of Goa had flown to Hong Kong and Bombay before arriving home, said the government's director-generalof health services.

The man and his wife, who has not tested positive for the virus, have been isolated.


In Australia, health authorities have reported three probable cases of the virus.

Three children visiting from Canada are said to have developed symptoms of SARS. If confirmed, the SARS cases would be Australia's first of the disease

But Australia's chief medical officer, Mr Richard Smallwood,said the children, who have been under investigation for SARS since April 4th, have fully recovered and the disease has not spread to other family members.