In Short

Other world news in brief

Other world news in brief

More than 100 killed in raid on Sudan village

JUBA – More than 100 people were killed when tribesmen raided a south Sudan village, burning buildings and attacking churchgoers, in a further escalation of violence in the oil-producing region.

A surge of tribal killings this year has sparked fears for the stability of Sudan’s underdeveloped south, still emerging from two decades of civil war.


Fighters from the Lou Nuer tribe attacked the village of Duk Padiet, home to a rival Dinka group, on Sunday morning while many villagers were in church. The extent of the carnage only emerged yesterday when officials reached the remote village in Jonglei state. – (Reuters)

Plague researcher dies in Chicago

CHICAGO – Public health officials are investigating the death of a University of Chicago researcher who studies plague bacteria and was found to have the microbe in his blood.

Malcolm Casadaban, who died on September 13th, was researching a weakened strain of the plague bacteria Yersinia pestis. Because it is missing key proteins, it is not normally harmful to people.

A university spokesman said yesterday Mr Casadaban had the laboratory strain of Yersinia pestis in his blood, suggesting he had a form of the infection known as septicaemic plague, which can kill even before the symptoms begin. – (Reuters)

Ousted Honduran president returns

TEGUCIGALPA – Ousted Honduran president Manuel Zelaya returned to Honduras and took refuge in the Brazilian embassy yesterday to avoid arrest, according to a Reuters witness.

Photographer Edgar Garrido saw Mr Zelaya, overthrown in June and sent into exile, accompanied by aides and his wife in an office inside the embassy. – (Reuters)