In his own time: James Downey autobiography published

THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY of veteran journalist James Downey, In My Own Time: Inside Irish Politics and Society , was described at its…

THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY of veteran journalist James Downey, In My Own Time: Inside Irish Politics and Society, was described at its launch last night as "a powerful and timely book".

Vincent Doyle, former editor of the Irish Independent, who launched the book, described it as a "moving book and sometimes a comic one" by "one of the most powerful political commentators in the country". Downey, who started in journalism in the 1950s, has worked for most of the major newspapers in Ireland. He was formerly political correspondent and deputy editor of The Irish Timesand now writes a weekly column for the Irish Independent.

“In full flight James Downey does not do humility: he does nation-shaping,” said Doyle, who added that over a number of decades the author had taken a leading role in guiding key changes in Irish life: supporting the modernisation of Ireland and the country’s involvement in Europe; opposing violence and encouraging reconciliation.

"James Downey was the best editor The Irish Timesnever had," said Doyle.

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins

Stephen Collins is a columnist with and former political editor of The Irish Times