Hurler gets £2,000 for blow to head

A hurler who was struck on the head by the player he was marking in a match last September was awarded £2,000 in damages at the…

A hurler who was struck on the head by the player he was marking in a match last September was awarded £2,000 in damages at the civil court in Waterford yesterday.

Trevor Clooney (29), of Airmount Villas, Gracedieu, Waterford, was given a decree for £2,000 and costs in his claim for damages against Nicholas Jacob jnr, of Lismore Park, Waterford. The plaintiff recalled the incident on September 27th last which resulted in the senior hurling match between De la Salle and St Saviour's Club being abandoned.

Mr Clooney told the court he was struck on the head with a hurley and knocked to the ground. He was in a semi-conscious condition for a few minutes. He later received eight stitches to a wound on the side of his head.