Hundreds mourn couple killed in Kildare house fire

A young Kildare couple who died in a house fire on New Year's Day were described yesterday as "two lovable people" who were devoted…

A young Kildare couple who died in a house fire on New Year's Day were described yesterday as "two lovable people" who were devoted to each other and to their children.

Hundreds of mourners filled St Brigid's Garrison Church in the Curragh Camp to overflowing for the funeral Mass of Darren Hanly (23) and his partner Amanda Murphy (21), the parents of two young sons.

The service took place just a couple of hundred yards from where the couple lost their lives when a fire broke out in the kitchen of their home in McMurrough Hill in the early hours of New Year's Day.

The couple's two children, Tiernan (3) and eight-week-old Keadon, were staying with their grandparents at the time.


Parish priest Fr PJ McEvoy said their deaths had left their families and all the people of the Curragh "numbed into disbelief and shock".

"Death, as we know, is always so difficult to cope with. When it is sudden and so tragic to two new young parents, it is all the more heartbreaking," he told the congregation.

"Nothing can prepare us for a tragedy like this, the sadness, the loss, the hurt, the tears, the anger and the loss.

"We could react in different ways. We could curse this with the hopelessness of the world or accept the help of the word of God.

"Darren and Amanda dreamed together and planned together and sadly it was not to be.

"The Lord had more plans for them."

Fr McEvoy said the families had taken comfort from the knowledge that the local community "stands shoulder to shoulder" with them.

A fund to help the couple's two children has been set up by the Kildare Nationalist newspaper.

Among those who attended yesterday's funeral were the deputy chief of staff (support) of the Defence Forces, Maj Gen Dermot Earley, and Brig Gen Pat O'Sullivan, the general officer commanding of the Defence Forces training centre.

Also represented were personnel from B Company, Third Infantry Battalion, Darren's former unit, and the units of his father and two uncles.

A message of sympathy from President Mary McAleese, who is the commander-in-chief of the Defence Forces, was also conveyed to the family.

Fr McEvoy, who concelebrated the Mass with three other priests, said Darren and Amanda had planned a long life together which was tragically cut short by the fire.

"We honour and remember their great love for each other. They were so happy, it was so important for them to be together.

"They rarely went out, unlike most young people.

"They were content to be with each other and so dedicated to their children."

Fr McEvoy said Amanda had been a brilliant art student at national school and he would always remember her smile at the deli counter in the local supermarket.

He described Darren as "quieter, an unassuming young man" who had never given any trouble in school and who followed his father and grandfather into the Defence Forces before beginning a career in construction.

He was also devoted to Liverpool Football Club, and a Liverpool jersey was placed on the altar during the offertory procession which was led by Devon, Darren's son from a previous relationship.

Fr McEvoy also remembered Darren's cousin, Elaine Maher, who died tragically in a house fire in the Curragh Camp 26 years ago, aged just 18 months.

Darren and Amanda were buried together in St Conleth's Cemetery in Newbridge.

The account established to assist their children is at the Bank of Ireland, Newbridge.

The account number is 56484120, sort code: 90-12-63.

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy

Ronan McGreevy is a news reporter with The Irish Times