HSE tackling flaws in €60m IT system

THE HSE says it is “working through” problems with a €60 million patient records systems that has been plagued by security flaws…

THE HSE says it is “working through” problems with a €60 million patient records systems that has been plagued by security flaws and other operating problems.

An action plan has been put in place in response to the problems that were identified in an audit of the IT system last year, according to a spokeswoman.

She said most of the issues had been dealt with, and stringent security protocols were now in operation.

In one case uncovered during the audit, catering staff in Kerry General Hospital had codes allowing them to read confidential personal details of hospital patients, according to the Sunday Business Post.


However, no data had been uploaded into the system at the time the breach was discovered by the audit team.

The integrated patient management system (IPMS) is used by 10 acute hospitals and 20 other HSE centres to manage patient records.

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen

Paul Cullen is a former heath editor of The Irish Times.