
Public transport by the Lee How we can reduce our carbon footprint by designing sustainable transport systems for our towns …

Public transport by the LeeHow we can reduce our carbon footprint by designing sustainable transport systems for our towns and cities is the theme of a public meeting in the Ambassador Hotel, Cork City on Tuesday at 7.30pm.

Organised by the Cork Environmental Forum, the aim is to get people to think more about how transport is a major contributor to air pollution, fossil fuel depletion and CO2 emissions.

"With both the City and County Development Plans currently under review, we are hoping to encourage people to engage with the submissions process and give their views on how we can design better transport systems in Cork city and county," says Nora Gaffney from Cork Environmental Forum. The meeting will be chaired by Dr Donncha Ó Cinnéide of the traffic research unit at University College Cork.

Meanwhile the Cork City Development Plan is currently open to public view with submissions accepted up until November 27th. See www.corkcity.ie for more details. See also www.cef.ie or 021-4340348.


Seven days of organic events

National Organic Week runs from October 22nd to 28th this year with tastings of organic fruit, meat and other produce at supermarkets and farmers' markets throughout the country. Tomorrow from 2pm the Ecology Centre at Sonairte in Laytown, Co Meath will offer tours of their organic gardens and talks on organic gardening (041-9827572). A farmers' market will also be held there tomorrow from 10.30am to 5pm. An organic conversion day will be held in An tIonad Glas, the Organic College in Dromcollogher, Co Limerick on Tuesday from 2pm to 4pm (063-83604, www.organiccollege.com).

Meanwhile, the Organic Centre in Rossinver, Co Leitrim will host an education open day on Wednesday from 2pm to 6pm (071-9854338, www.theorganiccentre.ie) and the Organic Goat Farm in Inagh, Co Clare invites visitors to see its goat herd on Thursday between 11am and 4pm (065-6836633, www.st-tola.ie).

Members of the Western Organic Network will showcase local organic produce in the Dock, Carrick-on- Shannon, Co Leitrim on Monday, October 29th from 11am to 6pm (071-9640688). See www.bordbia.iefor a countrywide list of farmers' markets.

Boat wash erosion

A Heritage Council seminar next week aims to raise awareness of the negative effects of boat wash on our inland waterways. Topics covered will include the impacts of boat wash on angling, fisheries and the ecology of small canals. However, it is also recognised that it is difficult to separate the impact of boat wash from other impacts associated with boats such as the mechanical action of propellers, hydrocarbon pollution and noise.

Dr John Eaton from the University of Liverpool will speak about ecology as a component in waterway management. Other speakers will discuss the impact of boat wash on the Shannon-Erne Waterway, Lough Neagh and Lower Bann. The seminar takes place in the Radisson Hotel, Athlone, Co Westmeath from 10am to 4pm on Wednesday and costs €30. Advance booking essential on 056-7770777 or at www.heritagecouncil.com;

Eco Web 

www.absolutelyorganic.ie Celebrating its 10th anniversary with a new online ordering system, this organic box delivery system also offers customers a chance to buy other non-perishable items, all of which are certified organic.

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment