What they do and who's done what

Drug - effect - serious side-effects -- athlete caught

Drug - effect - serious side-effects -- athlete caught

EPO (Erythropoietin): - promotes the growth of red blood cells - thickens blood causing circulatory problems - Irish athlete Cathal Lombard.

Designer Steroids (THG, Nandrolone): - enhances muscle mass - heart disease and sterlility - UK athlete Dwain Chambers for THG.

Human Growth Hormone: - increases skeletal and muscular growth - enlarged hands and feet, some cancers - nobody as yet as tests have only been developed.


Stimulants (Ephredrine, Amphetamine): - enhance speed, cardiovascular activity and reaction times - palpitations and changes in blood pressure cardiac arythmetics - soccer star Maradona for Ephredrine.

Diuretics (lasix): - weight loss and masking agents for other drugs - dehydration and cramps, blood pressure - Australian cricketer Shane Warne.

Insulin: - controls the blood sugar levels - developing hypoglycaemia for prolonged periods - Italian cyclist Marco Pantani.