
HOMEOPATHY CONFERENCE: The 14th International Conference on Homeopathy takes place at the NUI Galway from Friday, June 22nd, …

HOMEOPATHY CONFERENCE:The 14th International Conference on Homeopathy takes place at the NUI Galway from Friday, June 22nd, to Sunday, June 24th.

Speakers will include Dr Elizabeth Thompson from the Bristol Homeopathic Hospital, Dr Brian Kaplan from the Royal London Homeopathic Hospital and Miranda Castro, author of the Complete Homeopathy Handbook and Homeopathy for Mother and Baby. See or tel: 091-776886.

REDUCE STRESS:Stillness for People on the Go is the theme of a lecture/demonstration by Martin Boroson, author of The One Moment Master in Cultivate Centre, Temple Bar, Dublin on Thursday, June 28th at 7pm. It aims to show people how to reduce stress, make better decisions, prevent accidents and become more responsive to change. Cost €15. Tel: 01-6745773.

VOLUNTEERS WANTED:The Irish Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus (IASBAH) is seeking volunteers to help run its summer project. The volunteers will be trained to work as care and activity workers who encourage participants to take part in drama, music and art workshops, cooking, self-defence, karaoke and yoga. The summer project which will take place over five separate weeks from June 23rd-August 3rd. Tel: 01-4572329 or see for more details.


SUMMER SCHOOL:Bereavement and loss, dream analysis, mentoring boys and growing with our daughters are some of the themes which will be explored at the Adlerian Summer School in Clonmel, Co Tipperary from July 2nd-6th. The school, which is based on the theories of Austrian psychologist Alfred Adler, is open to parents, teachers, counsellors, social and childcare workers. A programme for five to 11 year-olds runs alongside the main programme. Costs €175 per adult/€60 children (non-residential). Tel: 086-3989513

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson

Sylvia Thompson, a contributor to The Irish Times, writes about health, heritage and the environment