Government to delete 91 Acts from Statute Book

The Hosiery Act of 1845 as well as the Adulteration of Coffee Act of 1718 are among 91 laws set to be expunged from the Statute…

The Hosiery Act of 1845 as well as the Adulteration of Coffee Act of 1718 are among 91 laws set to be expunged from the Statute Book because they are no longer required.

The Government today published the list which also includes the Servants Act of 1715, the Burning of Bricks (Dublin) Act 1770 and the Dangerous Performances Act which was brought in in 1897.

Laws relating to past historical events will also be purged, including the Dublin Reconstruction (Emergency Provisions) Act of 1916.

The Taoiseach, Mr Ahern, this morning announced publication of the Statute Law Revision (pre 1922) Bill which is necessary to repeal the 91 Acts on the list.


"We have tended to keep adding to the stock of regulation and not revisit it," Mr Ahern told the Statute Law Revision conference in the Shelbourne hotel, Dublin.

Patrick  Logue

Patrick Logue

Patrick Logue is Digital Editor of The Irish Times