Spring is quite definitely here - and with it comes heaps of work for the gardener. (So give the parade and the TV a miss on St Patrick's Day and get out in the garden instead.) Weeds, which have been quietly inching up for weeks, now put on a big spurt of growth. Get them out of the soil and onto the compost heap before they seed about.
If you haven't yet cut the grass, do so now, but first set the mower blades at a higher-than-usual level.
If you grow plants in a greenhouse, cold frame, conservatory, or even on a window sill, clean the glass to allow maximum light through (this is especially important if you are nurturing little seedlings). Greenhouses should be thoroughly spring-cleaned. Get right into all the corners and be sure to remove dead or sick foliage from plants to avoid fungal diseases.
Finish pruning roses and give them a good feed and mulch afterwards.