For onions weighing more than two kilos each, some of the recommended varieties are Beacon, Unwins Exhibition and Lancastrian. Or you can get seed from W. Robinson and Sons, which specialises in mammoth strains of vegetables (Sunny Bank, Forton, Nr Preston, PR3 0BN. Tel: 0044-1524-791 210). Sow a tray of seed as soon as possible in a warm place (the kitchen will do nicely). As soon as it germinates move it to a bright place (greenhouse or porch). While the seedlings still look like little green hairpins, transplant them into individual pots or into another tray with richer compost. Plant out in a fertile bed in May, about a foot apart, or grow on in the greenhouse. Keep well watered and fed. Stop feeding at the end of June.
And while we're talking about feeding and watering, don't forget the birds. Keep bird feeders and tables topped up with seeds, nuts, fat and bland kitchen scraps.