Garda chief sets up group to study findings

Recommendations: The Garda Commissioner, Mr Noel Conroy, is concerned at the findings of the interim report of the Morris tribunal…

Recommendations: The Garda Commissioner, Mr Noel Conroy, is concerned at the findings of the interim report of the Morris tribunal but has promised to examine its recommendations and implement them as soon as possible.

"I am also concerned at the possible impact this report's findings will have on all members of the organisation and the public alike," he said.

"Therefore the action I have taken in setting up \ working group under the chairmanship of Deputy Commissioner \ Fitzgerald is necessary to start the process of addressing all aspects of this module of the tribunal report."

Mr Conroy has already discussed the report and its recommendations with the Minister for Justice, Mr McDowell. He said the 500-plus page report would be carefully studied.


The working group under Mr Fitzgerald will examine in detail all the report's recommendations so that appropriate action can be taken quickly. The working group will report to Mr Conroy "within a very short time frame" and the implementation of the recommendations will follow.

In yesterday's interim report Mr Justice Morris devotes almost 50 pages to his recommendations. These deal with everything from the role of Garda Headquarters to the handling of informants and basic policing methods.

The recommendations include the following:

Conor Lally

Conor Lally

Conor Lally is Security and Crime Editor of The Irish Times