Freed sailor 'looking forward to beer'

Five sailors, including Dublin-born David Bloomer, released after a week in Iranian custody were celebrating their freedom today…

Five sailors, including Dublin-born David Bloomer, released after a week in Iranian custody were celebrating their freedom today.

David Bloomer, originally from Malahide, Co Dublin, was on the 20 metre Kingdom of Bahrainyacht when it was intercepted by the Iranian navy while en route from Bahrain to Dubai, to take part in the Dubai-Muscat offshore sailing race.

Mr Bloomer, a Bahrain-based radio journalist, said being told they were free to leave was “absolute joy”.

Mr Bloomer said “all the Iranians, once they discovered that we had no evil intention, it was a genuine mistake, started to be friendly to us.”


The group were all fit and healthy, he said, adding that he was looking forward to having a beer and bacon and egg.

“We were fed very well but there was no bacon or pork, of course, or alcohol where we were.”

The news of freedom was particularly welcome to Mr Bloomer who said he had found his last night in captivity “particularly bad”.

“Your mind starts playing all sorts of tricks, thinking about other incidents, thinking about how long you’re going to be here.”

Mr Bloomer said the yacht had strayed into Iranian waters as they tried to avoid oil rigs in the area.